Creating the Life You Want: Embracing Purpose, Passion, and Beauty After Major Life Changes

I remember when I first faced the reality that my career was coming to an end. For decades, it had been my identity, purpose, and passion. And then, suddenly, that chapter closed. I was left with a sense of loss, wondering, now what?

Maybe you’ve been there, too. Whether it’s retirement (job loss), the loss of a loved one, or another significant life change, the question of “What’s next?” can be overwhelming.

But here’s something I’ve come to realize: you don’t just find yourself. You create yourself. (Thanks, George Bernard Shaw, for the quote.) Right now, you have the opportunity to create the life you want. It’s about crafting a life that brings you joy and fulfillment and aligns with your own sense of purpose and passion.

Life is Short—Create as Much Beauty as You Can

There’s a quote by James Patterson that resonates deeply with me: “Life is short. Create as much beauty as you can.” This idea of creating beauty isn’t just about art or aesthetics; it’s about infusing your life with meaning, joy, and love. It’s about taking our time and filling it with things that make us feel alive and connected to the world around us.

Reinventing yourself and creating your life anew is one of the most beautiful things you can do. It’s about finding what truly matters to you and making that the focus of your life moving forward. For some, this might mean learning a new hobby, starting a small business, or volunteering in the community. For others, it might mean embracing a slower pace, enjoying quiet mornings with a cup of coffee, or spending afternoons watching their favorite shows (and yes, that’s perfectly okay if it makes you happy!).

Embracing Purpose, Passion, and Beauty

At this stage in life, it’s about more than staying busy. It’s about finding activities that bring you joy and give you a sense of purpose. For some, this might mean reconnecting with old passions—like painting, gardening, or photography (as I’ve done with bird photography, which has brought me so much peace and satisfaction). For others, it might mean exploring new interests you never had time for.

Ask yourself: What lights me up? What could I do all day without noticing the time passing? These are clues to where your purpose and passion might lie.

But remember, your purpose doesn’t have to be grand or world changing. It can be as simple as nurturing relationships, caring for a pet, or tending to a garden. What matters is that it feels meaningful to you and adds beauty to your life.

Creating Your Life: A Beautiful Journey

As you design this next chapter, think about how you want to define yourself. What kind of person do you want to be in this phase of your life? What values will guide your choices? This is about consciously deciding how you want to live rather than drifting along on autopilot.

I’ve learned that we have more control over our lives than we often think. We get to choose how we spend our time, who we spend it with, and what we focus on daily. (And yes, that might include a bit of Netflix binge-watching if that’s what brings you joy!)

Taking Action: Create Beauty Through Small Steps

You don’t have to make dramatic changes all at once. Start small. Maybe it’s setting aside time each day for something you love. Or perhaps it’s reconnecting with an old friend, signing up for a class, or simply spending more time outdoors. The key is to take action, however small, towards the life you want to create.

Remember, this is your time. You’ve earned it. Whether you choose to fill your days with activities or embrace the beauty of doing nothing, the choice is yours. What’s important is that it feels right to you and that it adds beauty to your life.

Your Life, Your Creation

In the end, designing the life you want is about aligning your daily actions with your deepest values and desires. It’s about living with intention, creating beauty wherever you can, and making choices that bring you closer to a life filled with purpose and passion—whatever that looks like for you.

So, what do you want your next chapter to look like? How will you create yourself? How will you create beauty in your life? The answers are within you, just waiting to be uncovered.

Let’s embrace this journey together with all the purpose, passion, and beauty it deserves.

(And if you ever need a friend to talk it through, I’m here.)