How I Transformed My Schedule with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Chat GPT Became My Assistant

Throughout much of my career, I had an assistant. Bless their hearts—they made valiant attempts to keep me on time and schedule, and I know it wasn’t easy. I miss having someone to help me keep everything straight.

This summer, as I worked to get my business back on track and wrap up unfinished projects (like my bird photography book), I realized I needed help. After missing a necessary appointment and showing up a day early for another, I knew it was time for a modern solution. That’s when I turned to AI—specifically ChatGPT—to help manage my schedule and keep me on track.

AI: The New Frontier

I understand that many of you might feel apprehensive about AI. It’s new and unfamiliar, much like the internet was 25 years ago. But just as we’ve embraced the internet, it’s time to embrace AI. When I first started using ChatGPT, my results were underwhelming. It wasn’t until I learned how to prompt ChatGPT effectively that things changed. I found that guiding the AI with specific prompts could be a valuable tool for organizing my life.

Why Staying on Top of Technology Matters

As older women, we must stay engaged with the latest technology. The world is evolving rapidly, and technology is a powerful tool that can enhance our lives, keep us connected, and empower us to pursue our passions. By staying on top of technology, we break the stereotype that older people can’t keep up with the digital age. More importantly, it allows us to remain independent, informed, and influential in a world increasingly driven by technology. Whether teaching my great niece iPhone camera techniques or using AI to manage my schedule, I’ve found that embracing technology keeps me sharp, relevant, and in control of my life.

My Four-Week Test with ChatGPT

Week 1: Laying the Foundation I began by inputting all my weekly appointments and asking ChatGPT to help me organize my goals. We broke down each task into manageable steps and created a comprehensive schedule. But by Monday afternoon, I realized the plan was too ambitious—I hadn’t accounted for the time needed for writing and other responsibilities.

Week 2: Implementing and Adapting I asked ChatGPT for a more flexible schedule. While this helped, it wasn’t focused enough to keep me on track. I learned that flexibility is key, but so is maintaining focus. I needed a hybrid approach to manage my tasks effectively.

Week 3: Reflecting and Refining I reviewed my progress with ChatGPT this week. We adjusted my strategies, reassigned time slots, and cut back on less critical tasks. This fine-tuning made a big difference in my productivity.

Week 4: The Final Push Unfortunately, a respiratory virus threw off my plans for Week 4. Despite this setback, ChatGPT will help me get back on track as soon as I recover. We have a meeting on Sunday night.

The real benefit of AI lies in consistent use—regular check-ins and adjustments keep you moving forward. Chat is an excellent tool for providing all the steps to complete a process, editing articles, conducting research, and managing time.

Embracing AI: A Tool for Empowerment

AI products, like ChatGPT, are just tools that can empower you to take control of your time and goals. It’s not something to fear but something to embrace. Using AI as a personal assistant, you can simplify your tasks, stay organized, and focus on what truly matters.

The Power of Prompts: Making AI Work for You

Prompts are the key to getting the most out of AI. By giving ChatGPT clear instructions, you can tailor its responses to meet your needs. Whether you need help with time management, creative ideas, or problem-solving, the quality of your prompts determines the quality of the advice you receive.

Your Turn: Steps to Get Started with AI

  1. Identify Your Goals: Define what you want to achieve. Clear goals will guide your AI interactions.
  2. Craft Specific Prompts: Use prompts like “Help me create a weekly schedule that includes time for writing, exercise, and self-care.”
  3. Set Up a Routine: Create a routine with regular check-ins to reflect on progress and adjust your schedule.
  4. Stay Flexible: Be ready to adapt when plans change. Flexibility helps you stay resilient.
  5. Reflect and Refine: Regularly review what’s working and adjust your approach.
  6. Experiment and Explore: Try new things and discover strategies that work for you.

Reinventing Your Life with AI Tools

Reinvention isn’t just for the young—for anyone who wants to live with purpose and passion. By embracing AI, you can control your time and create a life that reflects your dreams. Break the stereotype of older people not knowing how to use the latest technology. Let’s prove them wrong.