Books to Guide Your Journey

I’ve always loved reading. I don’t remember when I realized that books were my magic carpet, taking me on journeys around the world, but I remember the feeling. Our school library was small as a child, but I devoured every book I could find. My mother would take me to our county library to check out even more history books. By age 12, I had read everything from novels to metaphysical books. (Yes, I was that kid reading Edgar Cayce at 12!)

One book series that left a mark on me was Kathleen Woodiwiss’s The Plantation Trilogy. It opened my eyes to the horrors of slavery and the complexities of the settling of Louisiana territory. Those stories helped me understand parts of history that weren’t always taught in school—the painful truths and the courage it took to face them.

Reading was my escape. Growing up in Munford, Tennessee, wasn’t exactly thrilling, and books offered me glimpses into worlds beyond my own. I’d get in trouble for staying up late with a flashlight, reading under the covers. My sister once told me I was getting fat because I read too much and needed to get outside. Maybe she had a point, but I didn’t care. Books were my adventure, my way to explore places, ideas, and lives far beyond my small town.

These days, my Kindle goes everywhere with me (though I still love the feel of a book in my hands).

When I use a self-help book, I always buy a paperback. I like to make notes, underline, and refer back to them repeatedly, especially the self-help and personal growth ones.

Books can be incredible tools for navigating life’s transitions, especially when you find yourself at a crossroads or searching for inspiration. The right book can meet you where you are, offering comfort, wisdom, and practical advice on moving forward.

This month, I’ve put together a list of books that have been my go-to guides for times of change. Whether you’re looking to nurture more self-compassion, build new habits, or explore fresh perspectives, these reads will help you confidently take that next step.

What are some of your favorite self-help books? Let me know!

Top 15 Self-Development Books for Women

  1. Untamed by Glennon Doyle
    Encourages women to live authentically, trust themselves, and break free from societal expectations—a bold memoir about self-discovery and liberation.
  2. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
    It teaches the power of vulnerability and how embracing imperfection can lead to more meaningful connections and a wholehearted life.
  3. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
    A motivational guide with humor and actionable advice to help women overcome self-doubt, build confidence, and achieve their goals.
  4. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
    It encourages women to embrace themselves, let go of societal pressures, and cultivate courage, compassion, and connection.
  5. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
    A powerful guide to self-compassion and mindfulness, helping women overcome self-judgment and find peace and fulfillment.
  6. The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein
    Offers spiritual guidance to transform fear into faith, with practical strategies and meditations for personal growth and positivity.
  7. Atomic Habits by James Clear
    It provides a practical framework for building good and breaking bad habits, suitable for any woman looking to make sustainable changes.
  8. Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
    Empower women to stop apologizing for their ambitions and dreams, offering a straightforward approach to overcoming self-doubt.
  9. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
    Explores creativity and encourages women to pursue their passions fearlessly and embrace curiosity in all aspects of life.
  10. Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
    It uses storytelling and myths to help women reconnect with their wild, instinctual selves, fostering inner strength and wisdom.
  11. One Minute for Yourself by Spencer Johnson, M.D.
    It focuses on quick, practical self-care exercises, perfect for women prioritizing others’ needs over their own.
  12. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
    It offers four simple yet profound principles to help women achieve personal freedom and self-love, promoting authenticity and integrity.
  13. The 5-Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins offers a simple yet effective tool: count down “5-4-3-2-1” and take action. It’s designed to help you overcome self-doubt, procrastination, and fear by encouraging you to act on your instincts and goals without hesitation.
  14. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck
    This book explores the concept of a growth mindset and how changing one’s thoughts can transform one’s life. It is ideal for overcoming self-limiting beliefs.
  15. Unashamed by Christine Caine
    A guide for overcoming past hurts, building self-worth, and reclaiming personal power, filled with practical steps for healing and self-empowerment.