Embracing September: A 16-Week Challenge to Meet Your Goals

It’s September, and I’ve been thinking a lot about where I am versus where I hope to be at this point in the year. (Maybe you can relate?)

This month, I decided to treat September as my reset button. If you’ve got goals that have been simmering on the back burner or projects you’ve been meaning to tackle, now is the perfect time to jump in and get started. There’s just something about September that feels like a fresh start without all the trappings of the new year.

With just 16 weeks left in the year, there’s still plenty of time to make meaningful progress toward your dreams.

Let’s look at ten actionable steps to get on track and end the year on a high note. Pick one, a few, or all of them—this is your journey, and you get to decide how to navigate it.

1. Kickstart Your Health Journey

If you begin a health journey today, you could see significant results by the holidays. For instance, starting a balanced diet and exercising three times a week could lead to a weight loss of (2 lbs. a week; you could be down 15-25 pounds by December 31. (Imagine feeling your best just in time for those holiday gatherings.) Small changes add up, so why not start with a simple daily walk or a new healthy recipe?

2. Declutter Your Home, Declutter Your Mind

Decluttering isn’t just about making space in your home; it’s also about creating mental clarity. (And who doesn’t need more of that?) Set a goal to declutter one room or area each week. By the end of the year, you’ll have a home that feels lighter, more organized, and ready for a fresh start in 2025.

3. Get Your Estate in Order

This might not be the most exciting task, but it’s essential. Use these weeks to review your will, check your beneficiaries, and ensure all your documents are up to date. (Consider it a gift to yourself and your loved ones—peace of mind is priceless.)

4. Start a Side Hustle

Always wanted to turn a hobby into a side hustle? Now’s the time to make it happen. You could start by creating a simple website, creating a few products or services, and marketing them on social media. (Imagine launching your business before the end of the year!)

5. Prepare for the Holidays

Holidays can be stressful, but they don’t have to be. Start planning early to enjoy them more. Make a list of gifts, decide on a budget, and even start shopping. (By spreading it out over the next few weeks, you’ll save yourself a lot of last-minute panic.)

6. Plant a Fall Garden

If you love gardening, why not plant a fall garden? (Think leafy greens, carrots, and radishes.) Gardening can be therapeutic and a great way to enjoy the cooler weather while getting some exercise. Plus, you’ll have fresh produce on your table throughout the fall.

7. Create a Fitness Routine

Whether you’re just starting or want to up your game, a new fitness routine could be the answer. Try something you’ve always wanted to do—yoga, dance, Pilates, or strength training. (Remember, it’s never too late to start something new.)

8. Focus on Self-Care

Dedicate time each week to self-care. This could mean taking up a new hobby, reading a book, enjoying a long bath, or simply meditating for a few minutes each day. (After all, taking care of yourself is the first step to taking care of everything else.)

9. Tackle a Big Project

Do you have a project you’ve been putting off? Maybe it’s writing that book, redecorating a room, or starting a blog. Break it into smaller tasks and commit to completing one or two each week. (Imagine how accomplished you’ll feel by December.)

10. Reflect and Set New Goals

Take some time to reflect on what you’ve achieved this year and set new, achievable goals for the next few months. (What do I want to accomplish by year-end, and what steps do I need to take to get there?)

The Power of a Fresh Start

September is a wonderful month for new beginnings—a chance to reset, refocus, and recharge. You have 16 weeks to make significant strides, whether it’s in your health, home, business, or personal growth. So, what will you choose? Remember, every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. You’re in control of your journey, and there’s no better time than now to take action.

What will you accomplish by December? Share your goals, and let’s cheer each other on!