My Reinvention Story
Hey there, I’m Mary Harvey Gurley, and today, I want to talk to you about reinvention – a theme that has been a constant companion on my journey through life’s peaks and valleys. I love this quote by George Bernard Shaw:
“Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.”
It’s a mantra that has guided me through numerous chapters, from corporate America to being a wildlife photographer and content creator.
The Awakening: Recognizing My Own Reinvention.
I remember a moment during an art show where I was selling my photo encaustic paintings. I was freshly retired from the corporate world, and quite frankly, I was confused and depressed. I was trying to find a new purpose for my life.
A family friend introduced me to her companions, saying, “This woman has reinvented her life many times and in many ways. She is inspiring.” She then proceeded to recount my life’s reinventions to her friend. I listened and thought, who the hell is she talking about? I didn’t see myself the way she saw me. I liked the woman she was talking about. But her words struck me – why didn’t I like myself? Why didn’t I see myself as she did? Me, inspirational? I was drowning in self-doubt, rejection, and fear, unable to see myself through the lens of admiration others viewed me through.
I went home that night and did an inventory of all the things that had happened in my life and all the ways I had reinvented myself. When that night was over, I felt different about myself. Her simple words were the catalyst I needed to move forward with confidence.
My Journey Through Adversity
Not only had I survived some very dark chapters, but I had thrived and rebuilt my life.
Like everyone, I’ve faced major setbacks and challenges throughout my life. Who hasn’t? I’ve faced widowhood, health struggles, relationship issues, and unexpected career changes. I’ve discovered the art of thriving through change.
I realized I wanted to help other women not only survive a difficult life transition but I wanted to help them thrive. My hope for every woman is to stand firmly and strongly on solid ground, conquer their latest battle, and shout their victory out loud.

The Three-Year Reinvention Rule
I learned about reinvention early during my corporate days; I read an article that advised people to reinvent themselves and their careers every three years. That advice resonated with me deeply. From that moment forward, I intentionally sought ways to reinvent myself, committing to keeping up with technology, changing roles every few years, and continuously studying and improving in every way I could. Those who follow me regularly know about my commitment to learning four new skills yearly to keep my brain active and vibrant.
Embrace Change for a Successful Future
Reinvention is critical if we plan to age successfully. It’s not just about adapting to the external world but also about continuously crafting our inner selves, ensuring that we constantly evolve, grow, and stay engaged with life in meaningful ways. Looking back on the past few years separated from my career, I can see how I reinvented and created a new me. I invested considerably in creating a new me – from widowhood to weight loss, sobriety, and unemployment.
A Spiritual Reinvention
My spiritual journey has also been a crucial part of my reinvention. I view myself as spiritual but not religious. There was a great quote I learned when I was in rehab.
“Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for people who’ve been there.”
I have always been a spiritual wanderer. I have explored world religions, and my studies led me to work towards a master’s degree in spirituality (ABD); I have been a steadfast anchor amidst life’s storms. I’ve faced betrayals and been knocked down countless times. Every single time, I get back up and come back stronger. My spiritual foundation has given me the strength to get up, move forward, and forge ahead.
Mission to Inspire and Guide Others
My spiritual journey has also been a crucial part of my reinvention. While I no longer adhere to any religion, my spiritual explorations, which led me to work towards a master’s degree in spirituality (ABD), have been a steadfast anchor amidst life’s storms. I’ve faced betrayals and been knocked down countless times. Every single time, I get back up and come back stronger. My spiritual foundation has given me the strength to get up, move forward, and forge ahead.
I am not just a survivor but a testament to the power of an unbreakable spirit fueled by a connection to something greater than myself.
My goal is to share what I’ve learned and help you find YOUR purpose, passion, and joy as you enter the next chapter of your life. If you want your later years to be your most vibrant yet, join me. We will take this journey together. We’ll explore the paths and challenges we face with wellness, financial stability, creating passions, and meaningful experiences. Let’s make the autumn of our life amazing. It’s about embracing life’s adventures with confidence and creativity.
Navigate Your Next Life Chapter
I’m here to guide and assist you through your life transitions and start you on your journey of reinvention. Whether entering retirement, adjusting to an empty nest, or navigating through changes like widowhood or divorce, these moments present opportunities for growth and reinvention.
Women of a Certain Age
In every line of my story, in every chapter yet to be written, I want my story to inspire “women of a certain age” to make the last third of their lives a beautiful story.
So, here’s to the fighters, the survivors, the women who’ve been through the wringer and still stand tall.
Let’s write our following chapters together and show the world that it’s never too late to start anew.
Join our community, where we will walk through aging issues together and provide each other strength and support. We will navigate the complexities of life after 50 by sharing advice and innovative ideas from real-life experiences.