Creating Short-Term Goals to Reach Your Life Goals

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
– George Bernard Shaw

This quote is a favorite of mine. I remind myself daily that I’m responsible for my life and its direction. Growing up, we often heard we had to find ourselves. I always thought, “I didn’t realize I was lost.” This quote reminds me daily that I must create the life I want. I have to do the work, make the decisions, and take responsibility for my successes and failures.

In the second week of our reinvention journey, we focus on developing short-term goals to achieve our major plans. Be careful with this step. Sometimes, people use short-term goals to create busyness. I’ve certainly used them to feel like I’m making progress when, in reality, they’ve just become another “to-do” list.

We want our short-term goals to move us closer to the life and future we want, one step at a time.

Example: Health Goals

Last week, we focused on honestly analyzing our current situation in every aspect of our lives. One of the most important goals we each have is to ensure we are healthy. I don’t enjoy going to doctors and having medical tests, but I force myself to schedule those appointments. I can’t overemphasize how important this is.

Recently, a friend went to her OB/GYN for the first time in several years. She discovered her cholesterol was seriously high and was sent to a cardiologist. Weeks later, she is recovering from open-heart surgery that saved her life. As much as I don’t like going to the doctor, it is necessary.

Step One: Ensure Overall Health

Goal: Ensure my overall health is good and appropriate for my age.

Short-Term Steps:

  1. Schedule an appointment with my doctor for a comprehensive health check.
  2. Review current medications with my doctor.
  3. Schedule other medical checkups with specialists to get a clean bill of health.
  4. Schedule an appointment with my dentist for a cleaning and checkup.

Every one of these steps is important to determine your overall health. If a problem arises, you will be aware of the issues and can take action to get them under control.

Always remember, short-term goals are to move your reinvention plan forward.

Creating a new version of yourself is exciting and empowering. Setting short-term goals is crucial to this transformative journey. These goals act as the building blocks of your new self, guiding you step-by-step toward a fulfilling and vibrant future. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of setting short-term goals and how they can help you craft the life you envision.

Creating a new life begins with finding the motivation to take those first steps. Short-term goals provide immediate, attainable targets that energize and keep you focused. Each small victory reinforces your belief in your ability to reinvent yourself, fueling your passion and determination. The sense of accomplishment you feel with each goal met is a powerful motivator, encouraging you to continue on your path of self-creation.

Time is precious, especially when dedicated to creating a new version of yourself. Short-term goals provide a structured framework for your days, weeks, and months, helping you make the most of your time. By setting clear deadlines for these smaller objectives, you can develop a disciplined schedule that keeps you on track and moving forward. This effective time management allows you to balance your reinvention efforts with other important aspects of your life.

The journey of reinvention is a continuous process of learning and growth. Short-term goals offer regular opportunities to acquire new skills, knowledge, and experiences contributing to your development. Each step you take provides valuable insights and lessons that prepare you for the next phase of your journey. Embracing these opportunities for learning and improvement is essential for crafting a vibrant and fulfilling new self.

Setting short-term goals is a powerful strategy for creating the life you envision. These goals provide the motivation, structure, and confidence to transform your long-term aspirations into reality. By focusing on attainable objectives, you can navigate the journey of reinvention with ease and resilience. Remember, every small step you take is toward the vibrant, fulfilling life you are creating for yourself. Embrace the power of short-term goals and watch as they guide you toward your ultimate transformation.

For more insights on personal growth and reinvention, visit

Step Two: Set Short-Term Goals

Reinvention is a journey that begins with small, manageable steps. Focusing on short-term goals can build momentum and create a sense of accomplishment. This week, we’ll explore setting short-term goals in various categories to help you feel successful and on track.

Health and Wellness

Schedule Medical Appointments:

  • Annual Physical: Book an appointment for a comprehensive check-up.
  • Dental Check-up: Ensure your oral health is in good condition.
  • Eye Exam: Update your prescription and check for any vision changes.
  • Specialist Visits: Follow up with any necessary specialists for ongoing conditions.

Start a Fitness Routine:

  • Daily Walks: Aim for a 30-minute walk each day.
  • Strength Training: Incorporate light weightlifting or resistance exercises twice a week.
  • Yoga or Stretching: Dedicate 15 minutes each morning to stretching or yoga.

Focus on Nutrition:

  • Healthy Meal Planning: Plan and prepare balanced meals for the week.
  • Hydration: Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • Reduce Processed Foods: Make a conscious effort to reduce processed and sugary foods.

Personal Growth and Learning

Read a Book:

  • Select a New Book: Choose a book that interests you, whether fiction, non-fiction, or self-help.
  • Set a Reading Goal: Aim to read a certain number of pages or chapters each day.

Enroll in a Course:

  • Online Learning: Sign up for an online course in a subject that excites you.
  • Local Workshops: Look for workshops or classes offered in your community.

Practice a New Skill:

  • Learn a Language: Use apps like Duolingo to learn a new language.
  • Hobbies: Dedicate time to a hobby you’ve always wanted to try, like painting or knitting.

Relationships and Community

Reconnect with Friends:

  • Coffee Date: Schedule a coffee or lunch date with a friend you haven’t seen.
  • Virtual Meet-Up: Arrange a video call with distant friends or family.


  • Local Organizations: Find a local charity or organization where you can volunteer your time.
  • Community Events: Participate in community events or activities to meet new people.

Strengthen Family Bonds:

  • Family Dinners: Plan regular family dinners to spend quality time together.
  • Shared Activities: Engage in activities you can enjoy together, such as hiking or board games.

Financial and Career Goals

Review Your Finances:

  • Budgeting: Create or update your monthly budget to ensure you are on track.
  • Savings Plan: Set a short-term savings goal and plan how to achieve it.

Professional Development:

  • Update Resume: Refresh your resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Networking: Attend a professional networking event or join a relevant online group.

Explore New Opportunities:

  • Side Projects: Start a small side project or business idea.
  • Career Change: Research and consider new career paths that align with your passions.

Home and Environment


  • One Room at a Time: Choose one weekly room to declutter and organize.
  • Donation: Donate items you no longer need to local charities.

Home Improvement:

  • Minor Repairs: Fix small issues around the house, such as leaky faucets or squeaky doors.
  • Rearrange Furniture: Refresh a room by rearranging the furniture for a new look.

Create a Personal Space:

  • Relaxation Corner: Designate a corner of your home for relaxation or meditation.
  • Creative Space: Set up a space for hobbies or creative pursuits, like painting or crafting.