Newsletter Archive

April 2024

April #1: Spring is a time of renewal, and in this edition, we’re embracing the season with gratitude and growth. Dive into our guide to gardening, tackle ageism in the workplace, explore the flexibility of gig work, and treat yourself to a fresh dill potato salad recipe.

April #2: Reinvention is at the heart of this issue. Be inspired by stories of transformation, including a thought-provoking article by LeAnn Kleinman. This edition is all about embracing change and finding new paths.

July 2024

July #1: In this edition, we reflect on the bittersweet nature of loss, both of dear friends and beloved pets. Join us on a journey to San Juan, where we find solace in travel and discovery.

July #2: This newsletter is all about celebration and beginnings. We’re marking birthdays with joy, introducing our new travel advisor, and taking the first steps toward personal reinvention. Let’s embrace the journey together.

July #3: As summer unfolds, we’re setting new goals, sharing a comforting chicken pot pie recipe, and reminiscing about the joy of summer camp. It’s a season of warmth and simple pleasures.

August 2024

August #1: This edition is all about vision and exploration. Learn how to develop your vision board to manifest your dreams and discover the best travel destinations to add to your bucket list.

August #2: Embark on your reinvention journey with us. In this newsletter, we explore how to find the magic in your life and take the next steps toward creating a future full of possibilities.

August #3: Finding joy in everyday life, taking small steps toward personal reinvention, honoring loved ones, and being prepared for life’s surprises, all while sharing personal stories and practical tips to inspire readers on their journeys.

August #4: Reflections on self-care, life transitions, and travel while offering practical tips for reinvention, online safety, and preparing for the next chapter in life.

September 2024

September #1: We focused on improving my health, finding magic in the mundane, and taking small steps toward living authentically and joyfully.

September #2: This week, we focus on a September Reset of your 2024 goals and a fresh start by focusing on health, finding magic in everyday moments, and taking small steps toward change.