Reinvention: How to Begin the Journey

The first time I recall intentionally reinventing myself was when I transferred from UT Chattanooga to the University of Missouri. I had been involved in women’s sports at UTC and had an unwelcome sexual advance from one of the volleyball players. I didn’t discuss what happened, but I knew I was no longer interested in remaining at UTC. I made some bad decisions while there and knew I needed to change schools to build the professional life I wanted.

My father and I sat down to discuss where I’d go next. He said, “You always wanted to attend journalism school in Missouri. Do you want to apply and get in?” Daddy had always wanted one child to attend Missouri; I was the last chance. At that point, I didn’t like my path, and going to Mizzou was a chance to redirect my life.

I didn’t know I was reinventing at the time. I knew the lifestyle I wanted and needed to redirect myself to achieve my goals. One night, I wrote what I wanted my next college experience to be like. I wanted a fresh start.  This was my chance to return to my preppy roots of cute clothes, sorority life, working on political campaigns, friends from similar backgrounds, and earning a journalism degree.

In my early years, significant reinventions usually happened because of bad decisions and big mistakes. At that time, redirection and reinvention were easier. As I aged, I reinvented myself in my work and then as a wife. One of my most significant reinventions was from wife to widow. Then I reinvented myself with a 200-pound weight loss and plastic surgeries. Many gastric bypass patients developed alcoholism, and my life was spinning out of control with family and work issues. I had an unsuccessful suicide attempt and knew I had to get my life under control. I headed to a rehab facility and spent 28 days working through life issues and rebuilding a life without alcohol. I’ve been sober for 11.5 years. That was the most significant reinvention of my life and one I am grateful for daily.

The next major reinvention was losing my career through a buyout. I am still reinventing my life daily from that change, trying to create a life that brings me joy and helps other people. The reinvention post-corporate career has had its ups and downs, twists and turns. I am finally on the right track.

Over the past year, I’ve worked on building my reinvention program to help other women. I’ve tried to think about how I successfully reinvented myself time and time again.

Life has interesting twists and turns, and we must pivot with them. Just this year, my own business was set on the back burner as I cared for my dying friend and beloved dog. The two of them dying in the same week was a setback that I’m still working through.

Are You Ready to Begin Your Reinvention?

Many women I meet have a sense of discomfort and uncertainty as they transition into their post-career lives and want a meaningful direction for their next chapter. They often share that their current lives lack the fulfillment and purpose they crave. As we embark on our reinvention journey this week, we’ll begin by evaluating our current state of satisfaction. Are we truly content with where we are? By assessing our happiness and fulfillment honestly, we can identify areas that need change and set the foundation for a more purposeful and enriching future. Through self-reflection and thoughtful planning, my reinvention tips will guide you to rediscover your passions, set new goals, and create a life filled with meaning and joy.

The First Step in Your Reinvention Plan:

I’ve tried to document how I am reinventing myself following these losses to help you reinvent your life.

First and foremost, you have to find some quiet space and time. I spend time in nature, with my photography, and in quiet meditation. I ask my Higher Power to direct me on “what’s next” for my life, my mission while on the planet, and where I am most needed. (

Every morning before my feet hit the floor, I say a prayer of gratitude for my life and the gifts I experience every day. I then take steps to keep my feet moving on the path that is part of my life mission and, finally, to find myself safe at night.

When I allow stillness and quiet in my life, I usually gain insight into “what’s next” on my journey. I look at where I want to be in five years and consider what steps I need to take to get there. I usually don’t share my lists, but I will share them in this blog to give you some insight into the process.

Steps to Reinvention

This week, we are going to start with step one on your reinvention journey: Step One: Analyze Your Current Situation. The first step is to analyze where you are realistically in every aspect of your life: physical, spiritual, mental, financial, relationships, living conditions, and passions. This is a time to get focused on your life.

Step Two: Set Short-Term Goals. Focus on some short-term goals that will make you feel successful. For example, make all your medical appointments to ensure your health is under control. Without your health, you have nothing. Focus on your body and mind. I have a series of routine medical tests to ensure all systems are working.

Step Three: Envision Your Future. Determine what you want your life to look like in five years. Be bold, be wild, create a vision board, and plan a life of your wildest dreams.

Step Four: Create an Action Plan. Create a plan for reaching those goals. You can do this in daily, monthly, or yearly increments. Are your goals aligned with your belief system? For example, at the top of my list is to get more vital for travel. Step one: Go for a walk. Now, it means going to the gym and re-starting my strength training.

Step Five: Take Action. We can’t tackle the plan in one sitting, so for this week, analyze your progress.

Reflection and Moving Forward

This process of reinvention has been a constant in my life, helping me navigate the challenges and changes. By taking the time to reflect, set goals, and create action plans, I’ve been able to move forward and continually make the life I desire. I encourage you to find that quiet space, connect with your inner self, and plan your next reinvention.

Remember, it’s never too late to start again, and every step you take brings you closer to the life you envision. Keep moving forward, stay true to yourself, and embrace the journey of reinvention.