Step Three of Our Reinvention Journey: Envisioning Your Future

Welcome back to our journey of reinvention! As we venture into the third week of our program, it’s time to let our imaginations run wild and genuinely envision what we want our lives to look like in the next five years. This week is about dreaming big—so prepare to be bold and wild and dare to dream your wildest dreams.

Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening.

Recap of the Journey So Far

Note: If you’re joining us, weeks one and two can be found on the website.

Before we dive into the exciting process of envisioning our future, let’s take a moment to reflect on the ground we’ve covered so far:

  • Step One: Analyze Your Current Situation In our first week, we took a deep, honest look at our lives—evaluating everything from our physical health to our spiritual well-being. This step was all about getting a clear picture of where we are now, helping us understand our starting point.
  • Step Two: Set Short-Term Goals Last week, we focused on setting achievable, short-term goals designed to build momentum. Whether making all our medical appointments or dedicating time to our passions, each small goal was a step towards greater success and fulfillment.

Step Three: Envision Your Future

This week, your task is to dream without limits. Imagine what you want your life to look like five years from now. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Dream Boldly: Take some quiet time to think about your ideal future. What does it look like? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing?
  2. Create a Vision Board: Gather magazines, photos, quotes, and anything else that inspires you. Use these materials to create a vision board that represents your future dreams. Place this board somewhere you will see it every day to remind you of your aspirations.
  3. Plan Your Life: As you visualize your future, think about the steps needed to get there. Be as detailed as possible. This plan will act as a roadmap, guiding your actions over the next five years.

Why Vision Boards Work

Vision boards are a constant visual reminder of your goals, keeping them in the forefront of your mind daily. They harness the power of visualization—a technique many athletes, celebrities, and successful business leaders use to achieve their goals. By seeing your dreams daily, you align your actions to make them a reality.

Be Inspired by the Process

Let this process of envisioning be fun and inspirational. Allow yourself to explore possibilities you might have thought were out of reach. Remember, this is about creating a life that excites you, fills you with joy, and aligns with your deepest values.

Embrace the Journey

As you work on your vision board and plan your future life, remember this is a fluid process. Your dreams might evolve as you grow, and that’s perfectly okay. The key is to stay connected to what brings you fulfillment and joy.

Next week, we’ll create a detailed action plan to help bring your vision to life. But for now, focus on dreaming big and visualizing a future that reflects your best version.

Let’s continue to support each other as we dream, plan, and grow together. Your future is yours to shape, and I am here to guide and encourage you every step of the way. Keep moving forward, stay true to your vision, and trust in the process of reinvention. Together, we can make your dreams a reality.

Crafting Your Vision: A Journey of Faith and Focus

Creating a vision board each January has become a cornerstone of my personal and spiritual journey for nearly eight years. It all began with an Oprah Winfrey show that introduced me to the concept, but it wasn’t until years later that I truly embraced the power of vision boards to guide my life.

A Foundation in Faith

To my religious family, friends, and followers, I want to clarify that a vision board is not an object to worship. Instead, it serves as a guide, a visual representation of where you’d like to see your life go. At the center of every board I’ve created is a big gold circle representing God—my Creator, Higher Power, and source for all things. This gold circle reminds me that all elements of my life flow from this central source.

As I’ve discussed with people doing their first vision board, if you’re more comfortable using it as a prayer-focused guide, do so. In my vision board work, I pray and meditate on where my Creator wants me to focus the next year.

Sidebar: Creating Your Vision Board

Vision boards are more than collages of images and words; they are tangible reflections of your aspirations. They serve as daily reminders to focus your thoughts and energy on what truly matters, helping to turn your dreams into achievable goals. As Colette Baron Reid teaches, while you must set your intentions and focus on your desires, you must also allow the God of your understanding to determine the form in which these desires manifest.

Setting Intentions

During Colette Baron Reid’s annual vision board challenge each January, I set my intentions for the year. This process requires slowing down, looking inward, and reflecting on what I truly want to pray for and manifest in the coming year. It’s about focusing on the areas of life that need attention, such as finding a new job, learning a hobby, or improving finances.

Gathering Inspiration

Once my intentions are clear, I gather inspiration from various sources—magazines, online images, and personal photographs. The key is to choose elements that evoke positive emotions and resonate with my goals.

Creating the Board

With my materials ready, I correctly arrange the images and words on a board. There’s no right or wrong method; it’s all about personal expression. As I place each item, I focus on the feelings and experiences I want to attract.

Activating the Vision Board

Creating a vision board is just the beginning. To activate its power, I place it somewhere I see daily. This allows me to use it as a focal point for meditation or prayer, regularly reflecting on my goals. It is essential to remember that the vision board is a guide, not a binding contract. It should evolve as your goals and desires change.

Listening to Your Higher Power

As I explain to my friends, focusing on where you want your life to go is crucial, but listening to your Higher Power’s guidance on the direction you should take is equally important. For instance, I once desired to become a travel writer and photographer, inspiring women to travel. Over time, I led the way in helping women reinvent their post-career lives, an unexpected path aligned with my calling.

Using Vision Boards to Clarify Your Path

Vision boards have helped me clarify my goals and evaluate whether my daily tasks align with my desired path. When stuck in mundane routines, I glance at the board on my bathroom mirror and reflect on whether my actions are leading me toward my goals.

Integrating Spirituality

Incorporating spirituality into your vision board is a simple yet profound way to honor your beliefs. Positioning a gold circle at the center symbolizes the centrality of spirituality in your life and ensures that all your intentions radiate from this core belief.

Sharing and Reflection

Creating a vision board can be a deeply personal and empowering experience. It provides a platform for sharing dreams and aspirations and encourages reflection on the insights gained during its creation. Group discussions or workshops can offer additional support and inspiration.

Crafting a vision board is more than a creative exercise; it’s an opportunity to clarify your dreams, set meaningful intentions, and take proactive steps toward your future. By aligning your vision board with your values and beliefs, you create a powerful tool for manifestation and personal growth. As you gaze upon it throughout the year, let it remind you of your commitment to growth, creativity, and making a positive impact. Embrace the journey of transformation and empowerment and let your vision board inspire you on the path to fulfillment.

Final Thoughts

Vision boards are about bringing your dreams closer to reality. They provide a daily visual representation of your goals and dreams. As you embark on this journey, remember the power of manifestation lies within you. Let’s get started!