The Yellow Butterfly: A Symbol of Love and Connection

Shortly after Paul’s passing, I noticed yellow butterflies everywhere. From the day after he died, they appeared in the most unexpected places—even through a doctor’s office window. As many know, August is a big butterfly month here, but their presence felt uncanny.
A year later, I traveled to Sedona with a friend who was an empath and medium. She looked at me one day and said, “Paul gives you butterflies.” At the time, I didn’t quite understand. I had planted gardens to attract pollinators, yet the idea didn’t resonate. I received a butterfly lapel pin as part of a grief therapy program from which I graduated. Butterflies seemed to appear everywhere.
Weeks later, while going through some clothes, I found the first gift Paul ever gave me: a silk scarf adorned with butterflies from the Smithsonian. This discovery felt like another gentle nudge from him. Each August, without fail, a giant yellow butterfly visits me, fluttering around for several days. He appeared just last week.
This yearly visitor always feels like Paul’s, reminding me of our enduring love. It’s a comforting symbol that he is still with me, transcending the physical realm. Only the body dies; the soul and our love live on forever.