This Week, I Focused on Health—What About You?

This week, I decided to put my energy into something I’ve been neglecting: my health and wellness. Now, if you know me, you know my brain loves to go in a hundred different directions all at once (thank you, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, and a brain that never stops). But this time, I focused on just one area—improving my nutrition and getting my butt back to physical therapy.

I knew I’d try to do everything in one day if I didn’t set some boundaries, so I made it simple: focus on health and wellness.

My big goals were rebuilding my overall strength and right hip and getting more protein into my daily diet. So, I started experimenting with making my own version of those store-bought energy drinks that cost $8-10 each. I’m testing recipes, and once I find the right mix, you’ll be the first to know!

I also aimed to get 175 grams of protein every day. Did you know we’re supposed to have about one gram of protein for every pound we weigh?  I always use a protein drink as a coffee cream that gets me 15 grams a day first thing.

Then I began making with a yogurt, fruit, and chia seed mixture that checks off a lot of nutritional boxes and tastes pretty damn good, too. I don’t like salmon or oily fish. I needed to boost omega-3s in my diet, and chia seeds are good. This concoction gives me about 25-30 grams of protein a day with the yogurt and protein.

Physical therapy was another priority this week, especially after that viral bronchitis knocked me out. My main goal was to rebuild my energy and strength. I’d give myself a 65% grade on this week’s goal. (Hey, progress, not perfection!)

And let me be clear—I will eat chocolate every day, come hell or high water. I’m 66 years old, and I’ve been dieting my entire life. I am drinking my coffee and eating my chocolate. So there.

What About You? What Did You Focus on This Week?

Maybe you’ve been feeling a little stuck or tired, or maybe you’ve been telling yourself, “I’ll start next week.” Trust me, I get it. But how about starting now? Let’s focus on our health and wellness together. Here are a few simple things you can do this week to improve your nutrition and energy levels:

  1. Up Your Protein Game: Aim for one gram of protein per pound of your current weight. Start with easy sources like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, or lean meats. Protein helps rebuild muscles and keeps you full longer.
  2. Try a New Healthy Recipe: Whether it’s a homemade energy drink (I’m working on it!) or a new smoothie, find something that tastes good and fuels your body.
  3. Move a Little Every Day: You don’t have to run a marathon. Just start with a daily walk or a few minutes of stretching to get your body moving. Even 10 minutes can make a difference.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Water, water, water! Hydration is key to keeping your energy up and your body functioning correctly. Add some lemon or cucumber slices for a little flavor kick.
  5. Embrace Small Wins: Don’t aim for perfection—aim for progress. Celebrate the small steps you take toward better health, like choosing a healthy snack or completing a 30-second plank. It all adds up.

So, what’s one thing you can commit to this week? Let’s make these next seven days count for our bodies, our energy, and our well-being.

You’ve got this, and I’m cheering you on… with a piece of chocolate in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.