What does self-care mean to you?


Women have always been taught to care for others first. Whether raising children, supporting a partner, caring for an aging parent, or helping friends in need, we’ve often put ourselves at the bottom of the list. We’ve been trained to put others before ourselves, to be of service.

You’ve spent years nurturing others; now it’s your turn to focus on yourself.

But what exactly is self-care? I remember the first time I came across the concept in a book by Cheryl Richardson, The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time. The idea was new to me then: dedicating time to your well-being without guilt or hesitation. (wasn’t that selfish?)

In her book, Richardson shares practical strategies for taking back your time, setting boundaries, and learning to say no while finding ways to nurture yourself deeply. It’s a month-by-month guide that offers permission to put yourself first, something many of us have never been taught to do.

For so long, we’ve been conditioned to see self-care as selfish or indulgent. But the truth is, taking care of yourself is the most selfless thing you can do—it gives you the strength and energy to keep showing up for others and yourself. Now is the perfect time to embrace that idea fully.

This chapter of your life is about focusing on you, starting with simple self-care practice.

What does self-care look like for you? I used to think it was getting a haircut and mani/pedi. Those are self-care items, but self-care goes deeper than your external look.

25 Practical Self-Care Ideas for Older Women

  1. Begin Each New Day with Gratitude: When waking, give thanks for five things you’re grateful for that morning.
  2. Create a Morning Routine
    Start your day with something simple that makes you happy—like enjoying your coffee slowly, stretching, or reading a few pages of a book.
  3. Keep a Journal
    Write down your thoughts, feelings, or even a to-do list. It’s a way to clear your mind and reflect on your day.
  4. Try a New Recipe
    Cook something new and exciting. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just something you haven’t tried before.
  5. Read for Pleasure
    Pick up a book you’ve meant to read, even just for a few minutes before bed.
  6. Spend Time in Nature
    You can walk in a nearby park, visit your garden, or sit outside and listen to the birds.
  7. Pamper Yourself
    Book a massage, get a manicure, or take a relaxing bath. Do something that makes you feel cared for.
  8. Do Gentle Exercise
    Move well—walk, dance in the kitchen, or do simple stretches. The goal is to keep your body active.
  9. Organize One Small Space
    Tackle a drawer, a shelf, or a corner of your room. A little bit of organization can go a long way in making you feel refreshed.
  10. Unplug for a While
    Take a break from screens—turn off your phone, step away from the computer, and enjoy some tech-free time.
  11. Practice Deep Breathing
    Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths. It’s a quick way to calm your mind.
  12. Write a Note to a Friend
    Send a handwritten note or card to someone you care about. It’s a small act that can make a big difference.
  13. Listen to Music You Love
    Play your favorite songs, sing along, or dance. Music is a great mood lifter.
  14. Declutter Your Closet
    Go through your clothes and keep only what makes you feel good. Donate the rest.
  15. Join a Local Club or Group
    Find a group that shares your interests—a book club, a gardening group, or a fitness class.
  16. Do a Quick Digital Declutter
    Delete old emails, organize your phone’s photos, or clean up your desktop. A little digital tidying up can be refreshing.
  17. Make Time for Spiritual Practices
    Pray, meditate, or reflect in silence. Find a moment of peace in your day.
  18. Host a Simple Gathering
    Invite a few friends over for coffee or tea. Keeping it casual makes it easy and fun.
  19. Plan a Small Adventure
    Visit a new place in your town, a local museum, or a park you’ve never explored. A slight change of scenery is refreshing.
  20. Stay Hydrated
    Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Add some lemon or cucumber slices for a refreshing twist.
  21. Get Comfortable Shoes
    Treat your feet well with a pair of shoes that are both stylish and supportive.
  22. Celebrate Small Wins
    Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. Give yourself credit where it’s due.
  23. Make a Vision Board
    Put together a simple board of images and words that inspire or reflect your dreams.
  24. Watch Something That Makes You Laugh
    Find a funny movie, TV show, or video. Laughter is great medicine.
  25. Plan a Monthly Self-Care Date
    Choose a day each month to do something just for you. Make it unique—whether it’s a spa day, a walk, or a quiet afternoon with a good book.